Neighbors Helping Neighbors Information from the City of Johnson City Contact Information You can reach us by phone at 503-655-9710 during normal hours of operation. City offices are staffed Mondays 9:30 am to 2:30 pm, Tuesdays 2 pm to 7 pm, and Thursdays 9:30 am to 1 pm. You can reach us by email at Information from Johnson Mobile Estates COVID-19 Update We are open and operational, however the office will be closed to residents during the pandemic. You can reach us by phone at 503-656-1010 during normal business hours. We ask that you use the office's mail slot for making payments.  Photo courtesy of HugH Davis
Who We Are, Who We Aren'tWe are citizens of Johnson City, just ordinary residents like you. We're volunteering to create, host, and maintain this website as a way to bring our community closer together, especially during this difficult time. We are not an official website of the City of Johnson City or of Johnson Mobile Estates. As a public service, we will post information provided by the City of Johnson City and Johnson Mobile Estates from time to time. Our PurposeWith the emergence of COVID-19, we felt it was important to reach out to our neighbors and provide an easy way to take care of each other during these uncertain times. Our goal is to build an online community where folks who need assistance and those willing to give it can connect. Perhaps you need a hand with carrying groceries from your car. Maybe you are willing to mow a neighbor's lawn. Perhaps you have a computer question and would like someone to call for a little help. Another way this website can be useful is to provide some ideas for making it through these tough times. Do you have a favorite recipe you'd like to share? Are you skilled with a sewing machine and want to start making some cloth facemasks for medical staff just in case? Maybe you have some great ideas to keep the kids occupied during quarrantine. Use this site to share with your neighbors. If you have an idea for improving this site, please let us know. Keep it NeighborlyThe purpose of this site is to bring us closer together as a community. We ask that everyone refrain from discussing politics, religion, or other potentially devisive topics. There's more than enough places on the Internet for that type of discussion. This is not the place for that. In that same spirit, we oppose discrimination, harrassment, or disrespect on the basis of age, sex, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or citizenship. Show respect and kindness and it will be returned. Online SafetyLike most things today, it's important to use commensense precautions. Don't give a stranger money unless you've made a clear agreement. Be careful letting someone into your home. We do not have the ability to screen people posting information or responding to ads. Johnson City HistoryOn June 16, 1970, the residents of a trailer court owned by Delbert Johnson voted 49 to 10 to incorporate. Johnson had started the development in 1959, and in 1968 was unsuccessful in having the area annexed to Gladstone. The 55th Oregon Legislative Assembly in 1969 established a boundary review board to prevent an increase in small incorporated cities, but proponents of Johnson City's incorporation had filed for an election before the law took effect. Johnson City TodayJohnson City is a proud manufactured home community with friendly neighbors who take care of each other. Homes and yards are well kept, and the relaxed feel of the neighborhood strikes the perfect balance between community and privacy. The population of Johnson City is currently 675. We are a welcoming community for people for all and we celebrate our diversity. City Hall is across the street from beautiful Mordock Park and Lake Leona. Fun Facts- Johnson City is a city in Clackamas County, Oregon, United States and encompasses a total area of 0.07 square miles at an elevation of 60 feet above sea level.
- As of the census of 2010, there were 566 people in 268 households living in the city.
- Because of its small area, its population density is over 8,000 per square mile, making it the most densely populated city in Oregon.
- Johnson City is a welcoming community for people for all and we celebrate our diversity.